Gema Rodríguez Pérez

Assistant Professor at the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science, Math, Physics & Statistics

Reseach Interests

ESE - MSR - OSS - Social Aspects of SE - Diversity and Inclusion in SE

I love empirical software studies that mine open source software repositories to create large datasets. In my research, I use a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques to understand current technical and non-technical software problems and determine approaches that can help to solve them. In the technical part, I do bug localization and bug prediction studies to improve software products and help quality assurance teams understand where to relocate their economic resources. In the non-technical part, I analyze collaborative software development with a focus on diversity and inclusion.



  • Diversity in issue assignment: humans vs bots

    Empirical Software Engineering Journal Article

  • The Fine Balance Between Helping With Your Job And Taking It: AI Code Assistants Come To The Force

    IEEE Software Journal Article

  • Towards understanding barriers and mitigation strategies of software engineers with non-traditional educational and occupational backgrounds

    Empirical Software Engineering Journal Article

  • Investigating the Efficacy of Large Language Models for Code Clone Detection

    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension Conference Article

  • Bridging Gaps, Building Futures: Advancing Software Developer Diversity and Inclusion Through Future-Oriented Research

    FSE-SE 2030 Vision Paper

  • JITGNN: A deep graph neural network framework for Just-In-Time bug prediction

    Journal of Systems and Software Journal Article


  • BuggIn: Automatic Intrinsic Bugs Classification Model using NLP and ML

    PROMISE Conference Conference Paper

  • Relationship between diversity of collaborative group members’ race and ethnicity and the frequency of their collaborative contributions in GitHub

    Empirical Software Engineering Journal Article


  • A Fine-grained Data Set and Analysis of Tangling in Bug Fixing Commits

    Empirical Software Engineering - Impact Factor: 4.457 Journal Article

  • Perceived diversity in software engineering: a systematic literature review

    Empirical Software Engineering - Impact Factor: 4.457 Journal Article

  • On the Relationship Between the Developer's Perceptible Race and Ethnicity and the Evaluation of Contributions in OSS

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - Impact Factor: 6.11 Journal Article


  • Watch out for Extrinsic Bugs! A Case Study of their Impact in Just-In-Time Bug Prediction Models on the OpenStack project

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - Impact Factor: 6.11 Journal Article

  • Insights into Non-Merged Pull Requests in GitHub: Is there Evidence of Bias Based on Perceptible Race?

    IEEE Software- Impact Factor: 3.250 - Journal Article


  • How Bugs Are Born: A Model to Identify How Bugs Are Introduced in Software Components

    Empirical Software Engineering - Impact Factor: 4.457 - Journal Article


  • Reproducibility and credibility in empirical software engineering: A case study based on a systematic literature review of the use of the SZZ algorithm

    Information and Software Technology - Impact Factor: 2.694 - Journal Article

  • What if a Bug has a Different Origin? Making Sense of Bugs Without an Explicit Bug Introducing Change

    International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM’18) [Best emerging results paper award ] Conference Article

  • Towards an Empirical Model to Identify When Bugs are Introduced

    Ph.D. Thesis


  • How much time did it take to notify a bug?: two case studies: Elasticsearch and Nova

    WETSoM'17 Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics - At ICSE'17 - Workshop Article


  • Bugtracking: A tool to assist in the identification of bug reports

    IFIP International Conference on Open Source Systems - Conference Article

  • Analyzing how the bugs are injected into the source code.

    Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium at the 12th International Conference on Open Source Systems - Doctoral Symposium Article

Personal Info


I hold my degree in Telecomunications Engineering specializing in Telecomunication Systems at the University of Valladolid, Spain. After that, I moved to Madrid to hold my Master in the University King Juan Carlos, where I started to learn and be passionate about Software Engineering and Open Source Software.

In 2015 I started my Ph.D. in Empirical Software Engineering at the University King Juan Carlos, Spain, where I was under supervision of Dr. Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona and Dr. Gregorio Robles.

In 2018 I was working as a internal researcher at Delft University of Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, where I was working under supervision of Dr. Andy Zaidman and Dr. Alexander Serebrenik

In 2019 I start a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Waterloo, Canada, where I was working with Dr. Meiyappan Nagappan in the SWAG Lab reseach group until I started as Assistant professor at the University of British Columbia in July 2021.

Free Time

In my free time, I spend time hiking and running. I have started skiing and playing squash. I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows. I love coffee and food.


Organizing Commitee


  • CHASE 2022 · PC Co-Chair


  • MSR 2021 · Proceedings Chair
  • ICPC 2021 · Social Events Co-Chair
  • PROMISE 2021 · Publicity Co-Chair


  • PROMISE 2020 · Replication Challenge Track Chair


  • ICSME 2018 · Web Chair


  • MSR 2017 · Publicity Chair

Program Commitee


  • SANER 2022 · Early Research Achivements
  • ICSE 2022 · SRC
  • MSR 2022 · Research Track, Shadow PC, & Hackathon PC Member
  • ICPC 2022 · Research Track
  • ICST 2022 · Research Track
  • EASE 2022 · Research Track


  • MSR 2021 · Research Track [Distinguished reviewer award ]
  • ICSME 2021 · Research Track & Too Demonstration
  • ICSE 2021 · Tool Demonstration Track
  • ICPC 2021 · ERA Track
  • SCAM 2021 · NIER Track
  • ESEC/FSE 2021 · Artifact Evaluation Track


  • ESEC/FSE 2020 · Tools Demo
  • ICSME 2020 · Industry Track & Research Track [Distinguished reviewer award ]
  • MSR 2020 · Mining Challenge-track


  • MSR 2018 · Mining Challenge-track


  • Journal of Systems and Software . Reviewer
  • Empirical Software Engineering . Reviewer
  • ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology . Reviewer
  • Software Quality Journal . Reviewer
  • IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering . Reviewer
  • IEEE Software . Reviewer
  • IEEE Transactions on Reliability . Reviewer




  • COSC 499 : Software Capstone Project.


  • DATA 531 : Programming for Data Science
  • DATA 532 : Data structures and algorithms
  • COSC 499 : Software Capstone Project.


  • DATA 531 : Programming for Data Science
  • DATA 532 : Data structures and algorithms
  • COSC 310 : SoftwareEngineering.